Ladder History For smacku
Date |
Result |
3/10/2025 6:16:32 PM
smacku[ 2038/2046 ] and Icontact[ 1983/1996 ] def. znikpze[1937/1924 ] and AnotherFix[1909/1897 ] ( 568 to 363 )
3/9/2025 8:08:13 PM
smacku[ 2026/2038 ] and IContact[ 1965/1983 ] def. Fredmania[2054/2040 ] and IceeCrys[2000/1983 ] ( 548 to 305 )
3/8/2025 7:09:58 AM
takingiteasy[ 2021/2033 ] and keelyroz[ 1981/1999 ] def. twentythree[ 2041/2027 ] and smacku[ 2040/2026 ] ( 543 to 419 )
3/7/2025 9:55:57 PM
smacku[ 2030/2040 ] and twentythree[ 2049/2058 ] def. StayLoose[1997/1982 ] and aboutface[1963/1950 ] ( 508 to 211 )
3/6/2025 6:06:00 PM
twentythree[ 2056/2068 ] and smacku[ 2017/2030 ] def. MookieinAZ[2156/2140 ] and BadazMissy[1975/1961 ] ( 518 to 211 )
3/5/2025 8:07:36 PM
MRX[ 2017/2030 ] and Satini[ 1974/1993 ] def. twentythree[ 2079/2064 ] and smacku[ 2031/2017 ] ( 528 to 320 )
3/5/2025 7:52:43 PM
twentythree[ 2069/2079 ] and smacku[ 2019/2031 ] def. SizzlinSeven[2026/2014 ] and MRX[2029/2017 ] ( 547 to 531 )
3/5/2025 4:20:17 PM
smacku[ 2012/2019 ] and twentythree[ 2063/2069 ] def. xxshuixx[1942/1930 ] and SpadePunisher[1830/1822 ] ( 566 to 514 )
3/4/2025 7:17:10 PM
twentythree[ 2057/2063 ] and smacku[ 2004/2012 ] def. xxshuixx[1883/1873 ] and tennesseegal[1910/1899 ] ( 505 to 233 )
3/4/2025 6:20:04 PM
twentythree[ 2049/2057 ] and smacku[ 1991/2004 ] def. snooooge[1907/1896 ] and mysticsbella[1966/1952 ] ( 506 to 457 )
3/2/2025 8:01:47 PM
Satini[ 1948/1967 ] and MRX[ 2004/2017 ] def. smacku[2004/1991 ] and twentythree[2065/2049 ] ( 557 to 189 )
3/2/2025 7:26:20 PM
smacku[ 1995/2004 ] and twentythree[ 2060/2065 ] def. LONGSAM[1766/1760 ] and AnotherFix[1900/1889 ] ( 545 to 190 )
3/1/2025 6:36:41 PM
twentythree[ 2033/2044 ] and smacku[ 1977/1995 ] def. leavemebrthls[2008/1995 ] and koolhandluk[2045/2031 ] ( 535 to 259 )
2/27/2025 7:45:33 PM
smacku[ 1962/1977 ] and twentythree[ 2040/2049 ] def. znikpze[ 1891/1879 ] and leavemebrthls[ 2025/2012 ] ( 526 to 170 )
2/26/2025 7:37:47 PM
twentythree[ 2007/2019 ] and smacku[ 1943/1962 ] def. johnwick[1960/1944 ] and EddieVanHalen[2097/2080 ] ( 548 to 400 )
2/26/2025 6:43:26 PM
twentythree[ 2001/2007 ] and smacku[ 1932/1943 ] def. EsthersHubby[1824/1814 ] and RocksAngel[1831/1820 ] ( 554 to 411 )
2/25/2025 8:11:23 PM
snooooge[ 2021/2031 ] and sammielg[ 1918/1936 ] def. smacku[1947/1932 ] and twentythree[2018/2004 ] ( 604 to 386 )
2/25/2025 7:32:54 PM
snooooge[ 2010/2021 ] and Cardsrkewl[ 1870/1891 ] def. smacku[ 1965/1947 ] and twentythree[ 2034/2018 ] ( 502 to 153 )
2/25/2025 6:33:15 PM
smacku[ 1949/1965 ] and twentythree[ 2025/2034 ] def. snooooge[ 2016/2003 ] and BRANDIELEE[ 1904/1891 ] ( 508 to 382 )
2/19/2025 8:07:04 PM
rhardin[ 1921/1940 ] and koolhandluk[ 1933/1952 ] def. twentythree[ 2045/2029 ] and smacku[ 1967/1949 ] ( 525 to 422 )
2/19/2025 7:39:22 PM
twentythree[ 2038/2045 ] and smacku[ 1955/1967 ] def. StepNup[1896/1884 ] and glasdoll[1882/1871 ] ( 506 to 349 )
2/18/2025 6:02:37 PM
Playermfksr[ 2017/2028 ] and prettyady[ 2008/2020 ] def. twentythree[ 2052/2038 ] and smacku[ 1970/1955 ] ( 534 to 506 )
2/17/2025 8:30:10 PM
smacku[ 1956/1970 ] and twentythree[ 2031/2039 ] def. Cardsrkewl[1887/1875 ] and partypooper[1947/1933 ] ( 534 to 394 )
2/17/2025 6:03:27 PM
BayouMama[ 2087/2095 ] and MRX[ 2039/2049 ] def. smacku[ 1968/1956 ] and Icontact[ 2002/1992 ] ( 527 to 439 )
2/13/2025 3:59:46 PM
aliciaxoxo[ 2089/2099 ] and MRX[ 1976/1995 ] def. smacku[1982/1968 ] and twentythree[2106/2091 ] ( 505 to 377 )
2/12/2025 4:02:56 PM
smacku[ 1968/1982 ] and twentythree[ 2104/2110 ] def. LaVonne[1912/1901 ] and Freebird[1939/1927 ] ( 509 to 446 )
2/9/2025 8:25:04 AM
EsthersHubby[ 1884/1905 ] and RocksAngel[ 1942/1961 ] def. smacku[ 1988/1968 ] and Golfaholic[ 2041/2024 ] ( 558 to 538 )
2/7/2025 1:56:53 PM
smacku[ 1974/1988 ] and Icontact[ 1977/1991 ] def. BENZSL[1931/1917 ] and glasdoll[1974/1958 ] ( 525 to 338 )
2/4/2025 6:38:15 PM
Nancyyy[ 1993/2009 ] and Endzone[ 2025/2036 ] def. smacku[ 1990/1974 ] and Icontact[ 2024/2011 ] ( 506 to 401 )
2/4/2025 5:13:55 PM
twentythree[ 2118/2125 ] and smacku[ 1975/1990 ] def. joyceW[1959/1946 ] and zzbarracuda[1970/1957 ] ( 527 to 217 )
2/2/2025 7:17:27 PM
BBQPIGGY[ 1893/1914 ] and snooooge[ 1988/2005 ] def. smacku[ 1994/1975 ] and Icontact[ 2029/2013 ] ( 519 to 507 )
2/2/2025 3:36:35 PM
prettyady[ 1955/1975 ] and LONGSAM[ 1783/1809 ] def. smacku[ 2011/1994 ] and twentythree[ 2121/2101 ] ( 506 to 387 )
2/1/2025 4:51:39 PM
LerndMeLesson[ 2026/2038 ] and glasdoll[ 2014/2026 ] def. smacku[ 2024/2011 ] and Icontact[ 2042/2029 ] ( 528 to 159 )
1/30/2025 7:36:15 PM
smacku[ 2013/2024 ] and Icontact[ 2027/2037 ] def. snooooge[1990/1975 ] and glasdoll[2001/1989 ] ( 548 to 367 )
1/29/2025 12:39:09 PM
Icontact[ 2022/2032 ] and smacku[ 2002/2013 ] def. TheOnely[1985/1970 ] and krafty[1974/1959 ] ( 503 to 397 )
1/28/2025 7:39:09 PM
twentythree[ 2138/2145 ] and smacku[ 1986/2002 ] def. Cardsrkewl[1970/1958 ] and mommajo[2017/2006 ] ( 508 to 403 )
1/28/2025 6:26:44 PM
smacku[ 1972/1986 ] and Icontact[ 2013/2022 ] def. Richman[1987/1971 ] and DSViking[1913/1900 ] ( 568 to 507 )
1/26/2025 9:39:21 PM
snooooge[ 1902/1925 ] and babo[ 1826/1851 ] def. twentythree[ 2148/2127 ] and smacku[ 1994/1972 ] ( 525 to 360 )
1/26/2025 3:59:26 PM
smacku[ 1975/1994 ] and twentythree[ 2133/2142 ] def. MRX[2014/2003 ] and aliciaxoxo[2110/2096 ] ( 503 to 97 )
1/26/2025 2:04:56 PM
smacku[ 1964/1975 ] and twentythree[ 2129/2133 ] def. prettyady[1923/1912 ] and lighttouch[1790/1784 ] ( 507 to 263 )
1/25/2025 8:07:33 PM
Cardsrkewl[ 1952/1970 ] and ddwalt[ 1817/1841 ] def. smacku[ 1985/1964 ] and Icontact[ 2030/2013 ] ( 507 to 301 )
1/22/2025 7:03:20 PM
smacku[ 1973/1985 ] and Icontact[ 2011/2018 ] def. LvtoWin[1888/1876 ] and AnotherFix[1885/1873 ] ( 518 to -144 )
1/22/2025 6:20:33 PM
smacku[ 1958/1973 ] and Icontact[ 1998/2011 ] def. oldscrub[1889/1877 ] and Droopyleg[2000/1982 ] ( 519 to 19 )
1/21/2025 6:33:21 PM
smacku[ 1939/1958 ] and Icontact[ 1958/1977 ] def. aLONEWOLF[ 2048/2032 ] and Cardsrkewl[ 2000/1981 ] ( 509 to 195 )
1/19/2025 2:26:06 PM
aliciaxoxo[ 2079/2087 ] and MRX[ 2045/2054 ] def. Nancyyy[2014/2003 ] and smacku[1951/1939 ] ( 528 to 499 )
1/19/2025 10:40:53 AM
smacku[ 1940/1951 ] and Fireylass[ 1970/1980 ] def. peanutcup[1862/1850 ] and ddwalt[1837/1826 ] ( 543 to 527 )
1/18/2025 6:26:03 PM
Fredmania[ 2012/2021 ] and LadyinShades[ 2079/2086 ] def. smacku[ 1952/1940 ] and Icontact[ 1951/1939 ] ( 542 to 402 )
1/18/2025 5:20:21 PM
smacku[ 1935/1952 ] and Icontact[ 1934/1951 ] def. nanasan[ 2010/1995 ] and LvtoWin[ 1907/1892 ] ( 518 to 397 )
1/18/2025 8:45:58 AM
xxshuixx[ 2009/2019 ] and Icontact[ 1916/1934 ] def. smacku[ 1951/1935 ] and Nancyyy[ 1991/1973 ] ( 508 to 476 )
1/17/2025 3:02:52 PM
snooooge[ 2035/2044 ] and timmyspades[ 1918/1935 ] def. smacku[ 1967/1951 ] and Icontact[ 1930/1916 ] ( 549 to 399 )
1/16/2025 7:13:17 PM
snooooge[ 2026/2038 ] and SimpleSolut[ 2037/2048 ] def. twentythree[ 2082/2068 ] and smacku[ 1981/1967 ] ( 548 to 245 )
1/16/2025 6:16:27 PM
MookieinAZ[ 2099/2109 ] and bummerish[ 2001/2014 ] def. smacku[ 1995/1981 ] and twentythree[ 2096/2082 ] ( 534 to 233 )
1/15/2025 6:21:14 PM
EsthersHubby[ 1936/1955 ] and RocksAngel[ 1948/1967 ] def. Nancyyy[ 2038/2022 ] and smacku[ 2010/1995 ] ( 503 to 266 )
1/14/2025 7:36:53 PM
snooooge[ 1958/1975 ] and EliTheIceMan[ 2017/2028 ] def. Icontact[ 1958/1943 ] and smacku[ 2024/2010 ] ( 503 to 88 )
1/14/2025 6:15:22 PM
smacku[ 2010/2024 ] and Icontact[ 1936/1958 ] def. MookieinAZ[2109/2092 ] and EddieVanHalen[2066/2050 ] ( 516 to 506 )
1/13/2025 6:40:53 PM
johnwick[ 2054/2063 ] and MagicTouch[ 1970/1986 ] def. smacku[ 2023/2010 ] and Icontact[ 1927/1914 ] ( 503 to 345 )
1/11/2025 9:07:14 PM
leavemebrthls[ 1973/1992 ] and HedsRgonaRoll[ 1969/1988 ] def. smacku[ 2038/2023 ] and twentythree[ 2050/2035 ] ( 527 to 482 )
1/11/2025 8:34:26 PM
twentythree[ 2039/2050 ] and smacku[ 2027/2038 ] def. Ensell[1975/1961 ] and aLONEWOLF[2067/2053 ] ( 505 to -56 )
1/9/2025 6:28:36 PM
twentythree[ 2012/2023 ] and smacku[ 2017/2027 ] def. babo[1982/1967 ] and mommajo[1990/1975 ] ( 508 to 453 )
1/5/2025 8:47:09 PM
twentythree[ 2076/2085 ] and smacku[ 2006/2017 ] def. naughtysugaRP[1926/1915 ] and HedsRgonaRoll[2052/2039 ] ( 507 to 438 )
1/5/2025 7:11:28 PM
smacku[ 1991/2006 ] and twentythree[ 2068/2076 ] def. SizzlinSeven[2000/1985 ] and MissGuinness[1942/1929 ] ( 540 to 354 )
1/1/2025 7:37:15 PM
MRX[ 2016/2027 ] and LynneXYZ[ 2033/2043 ] def. Icontact[ 1984/1969 ] and smacku[ 2003/1991 ] ( 519 to 162 )
1/1/2025 7:14:42 PM
LynneXYZ[ 2022/2033 ] and MRX[ 2000/2016 ] def. smacku[ 2016/2003 ] and Icontact[ 2000/1984 ] ( 507 to 468 )
1/1/2025 1:53:12 PM
paddybeau[ 2030/2041 ] and smacku[ 2000/2016 ] def. ZZBarracuda[2000/1984 ] and xDarlinDevilx[2011/1999 ] ( 515 to 115 )