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The following is a collection of information to assist players at Mystic Island. If you have an item that you would like to contribute to this FAQ, please email it to pokah@mysticisland.net.
*New Players*
1. Can you tell me about nickname registration?
2. How do I install Mystic Island?
3. What is acceptable conduct at Mystic Island?
4. My current pass is about to expire, I've bought another one but the server is still telling me mine is about to expire!
5. Why was my account suspended?
Championship Points
6. How are points allocated in a cut tournament?
7. How are points allocated in a partnership tournament?
8. How are points done in special instances such as ties or subs?
9. How do I find the rankings for Championship Point Leaders?
10. How do I win Championship Points?
11. How do these points impact individual groups TOC standings?
12. I am a tournament director, how do I assign these points?
13. I just won an event, now who gives me these points?
14. I won an event, but I did not get my points. What gives?
15. So what do these points do for me?
16. What are Championship Points?
17. What if I don't want Championship Points?
18. Where can I find a listing of events and points to make sure they were assigned?
19. Why have these points? Wasn't everything already fine with the way tournaments were being run?
Championship Points
20. Can a Sysop help me if I don't get my points after winning a tournament?
21. How do I know when my Community Supporter Pass will expire?
22. How do I report a problem?
23. How do I take a screenshot?
24. How does Mystic Island combat cheaters?
25. Sysops - The good, good and the good.
26. How does Mystic Island handle quitters?
27. How often are the ladders reset?
28. How do I add or remove a name from the friends list?
29. How do I get the messages to show in a box instead of lobby?
30. What are profiles?
31. What are toons? How can I get one?
32. What commands are available to use at Mystic Island?
33. I paid via Paypal for a pass, but why do I not have my pass yet? It said instant activation!
34. When will the next game be finished?
35. What is the tournament arena?
36. Who are the tournament directors?
*New Players*
1. Can you tell me about nickname registration?
Once you have installed the software you need to register a nickname. To do so go to http://www.mysticisland.net/register.asp There are some guidelines you need to be aware of when registering a nickname:
1. Nicknames can only consist of letters. No numbers or special characters are allowed. Again, letters only.
2. Nicknames cannot contain any profanity. This inclues the abbreviated forms of naughty words.
3. No sexually explicit nicknames. If you want a nickname that is going to draw a lot of attention from the opposite sex then you might want to reserve that nickname for a site that caters to hot chat.
4. No nicknames referring to drugs.
5. Generally, don't be tacky. Show a little class.
If your nickname is found to be inappropriate you will be asked to change it and given 24 hours to do so. If it's downright nasty or clearly in violation of the above rules it will be suspended with no notice.
2. How do I install Mystic Island?
Fortunately the installation process is fairly simple and straightforward. What confuses many is that we are not a web based application. What this means is that you don't launch your browswer in order to begin Mystic Island. This is separate software. You download and install the software then look for the Mystic Island palm tree icon in order to start up the games. Here are step by step instructions for downloading and installing the software.
1. The software is located at http://www.mysticisland.net/download.asp Click on the download link at the bottom of that page.
2. You will next be presented with a File Download box. You can choose to either Save or Open. If you choose Open skip to step 3. Should you choose to Save please remember where the file is being downloaded to. You will need to find that same file shortly. Proceed to step 4 below.
3. If you choose to Open then the file will begin to download and as soon as the file is done downloading the installation process will automatically begin. Simply follow the instructions. Once installation is complete you should have a Mystic Island icon on your desktop. If not simply go to your Start Button, Programs, Mystic Island Gaming Park, Mystic Island. Click on that icon to launch the software.
4. If you chose Save when clicking the download link then again, note where the file is being saved to on your computer. Let the download complete then locate that downloaded file. Double click on it and follow the instructions. Once installation is complete you should have a Mystic Island icon on your desktop. If not simply go to your Start Button, Programs, Mystic Island Gaming Park, Mystic Island. Click on that icon to launch the software.
3. What is acceptable conduct at Mystic Island?
To view the official Terms Of Use go to http://www.mysticisland.net/termsofuse.html Now we will give you some additional information that may not be fully covered there.
No one can hope to cover ever single instance or inappropriate behavior. Much of it is common sense. So if you are reprimanded for something and hope to plead your case by stating that the rule in question isn't covered in the Terms of Use then think again. We'll try to explain what we want at our Island.
We are not a "family site". Frankly, we do not cater to children. Nor are children generally attracted to a site of this sort. We also really have no intention of babysitting children. It's a parent's responsibility to do that. To carefully monitor what they do on the internet. We cannot judge what you find appropriate or inappropriate for your kids.
Instead we like to say that we are a site for mature gamers. We would expect children to laugh and poke one another in the ribs over swear words and sexually explicit talk. Typical junior high school locker room humor is also not condoned at Mystic Island. We want to give the players some leeway in the type of conversations they have in our lobbies but from time to time the responsibility is too much for a player to handle and that's when a sysop has to step in. Let us be very clear here. By saying this is a site for mature gamers as opposed to the term "family site" that does not mean that we have lowered our standards. In fact, it places even higher standards on everyone.
Generally we ask players to show some tact in their conversations. If you wouldn't say something at a party full of strangers then it's a good bet that you might not want to say it in a lobby where there are strangers. Unless of course you're one of those party goers that everyone dreads seeing walk through the door.
Typically stay away from swearing, talk of drug use, your sex life (or lack thereof) and anything that most reasonable adults would find tacky. There are literally thousands of chat rooms all over the internet that would love to accommodate that type of conversation. If you simply cannot control yourself then visit one of those chat rooms and come back to Mystic Island once you're all cooled off.
Flooding of the lobbies is also frowned upon. What is flooding? Anytime someone makes a lot of text scroll by in the lobbies repeatedly is flooding. That can be either typing the same thing over and over so that everyone's text is hard to see. It's also a bit annoying when players insist on subjecting everyone else to their drawn out song lyrics. Remember, everyone in that lobby is seeing what you're typing. It also tends to drown out advertisements and other conversations. Please, don't be a bore. Please also refrain from using picture macros in the lobbies.
The use of all caps will also get you a frown from the sysops. Not only is it considered shouting but it's rough on the old eyeballs. It's difficult to read.
Harassment of another player is strictly prohibited. Let's get clear though on what constitutes harassment. Someone saying "Joe is a poopyhead" is childish but not really harassment. Remember, you have an Ignore Option that you can use (located under the Preferences tab on your Mystic Toolbar). However, if someone is saying vile and/or hurtful things either to you or about you then that is harassment and you need to report it. One important note: you MUST submit a screenshot of what the harasser is saying. Look on the Main Page of this site to find out more about screenshots or click here to go there now. Fortunately the Ignore Option is your best bet ninety percent of the time.
In a nutshell, act like an adult and show respect for the other Islanders and you'll never hear a word from a sysop about your behavior.
The server is "dumb". The problem here is that your future pass isn't active yet and the server doesn't see the "pending" pass that will be activated as soon as your current one expires. In most cases, this is not a problem, because as soon as your current pass expires, your new one kicks in and the server recognizes it.
However, if you have questions and are unsure that your new pass is stored and awaiting activation, please contact Pokah.
5. Why was my account suspended?
Unfortunately there are rare occasions when it is necessary for Mystic to take action on an account. That could be a ladder ban, hosting ban, tournament ban or temporary suspension of an account. An email is sent to the account holder but often times the email is returned as undeliverable or it's an old email address that is rarely ever checked. If you find yourself in a situation such as this and really question the reason behind it please email help@mysticisland.net
We cannot discuss a player's account with others (nor will the sysops). It takes quite a bit for us to take action on an account and when we do it's not just because someone is having a bad day. We also ask that you not convince your friend(s) to send in testimonials on your behalf.
Championship Points
6. How are points allocated in a cut tournament?
Cut Tournament point allocation is as follows:
First Place....64 Points
Second Place...32 Points
Third Place....20 Points
Fourth Place...12 Points
7. How are points allocated in a partnership tournament?
Eight players in an event will receive points. The first and second place teams getting most of the points. However the losers of the semifinals (the two third place teams) also receive points.
First Place Team - 64 Points (32 Points given to each player)
Second Place Team - 32 Points (16 Points given to each player)
Third Place Team - 16 Points (8 Points given to each player)
Third Place Team - 16 Points (8 Points given to each player)
8. How are points done in special instances such as ties or subs?
In case of a tie for a particular place, the points are combined and divided evenly.
For example, if a Cut tournament ends and two players tie for third (meaning there is no clear fourth-place finisher), the points for third and fourth (32+16) are split between the two players (24 points each).
In case of a sub, the point allocation is left to the discretion of the Tournament Director. In most situations, if the sub is reponsible for the final win, then the sub should receive a majority of the points (if not all).
9. How do I find the rankings for Championship Point Leaders?
You can find all the rankings at: http://www.mysticisland.net/champs
Also, you will see frequent updates in the lobbies showing you Championship Leaders.
In addition, the top players of the week(the top 2) and of the month(the top 5) for all games will have a trophy icon by their nickname indicating they're a point leader.
10. How do I win Championship Points?
Every single event at Mystic Island is now allocated a certain amount of points to distribute to the winners of their event. The point allocations may vary by event. Please not at certain special holiday events and TOC/Spur events likely will not be eligible for points.
11. How do these points impact individual groups TOC standings?
Not at all. These points are independent of any systems groups use for their TOCs and will not interfere in any way. Think of these points as simply a secondary point system that's directly tied into the Mystic Island server and is used by all tournament hosting groups.
12. I am a tournament director, how do I assign these points?
First off, if you cannot get a question answered in this FAQ, please consult the message forums and post your question there.
The commands are as follows:
!TD? - Shows you the commands available
!TDADDPOINTS - Used to award championship points
So for example, if you wanted to give 64 points to a player named Joe for event #133, you would type in:
!tdaddpoints 133 Joe 64
You will then receive a confirmation that the 64 points were awarded to Joe.
Side Question! What's an Event ID!?
Every single event that opens at Mystic now has its own unique ID assigned to it. It will be available in the channel as part of the channel name, but if you forgot it and need to find it, you can visit http://www.mysticisland.net/events/eventhistory.asp to see a 21-day historical listing of all events that have opened and their respective event IDs. No two events at Mystic Island will ever have the same ID.
Now, back to the other command.
!TDRMPOINTS - Removes points in case you have to correct something. The format is:
For example, if you wanted to take away the points we just gave to Joe in the previous example, you would type in:
That would remove all the points awarded to Joe for Event #133.
13. I just won an event, now who gives me these points?
The Championship Points are handed out by the tournament group that hosted the event. Using special commands in the lobby, a tournament director can easily allocate points to a player. It is expected that these points will be awarded before the room is shut down.
14. I won an event, but I did not get my points. What gives?
Tournament Directors are asked to distribute the points at the time the event ends. If you are certain you did not receive the correct amount of points for a win, please contact events@mysticisland.net.
15. So what do these points do for me?
We will constantly be updating the lobbies with the "hot players", we will show statistics of the players based on the past week, month, quarter, year and lifetime. At one point you might see an announcement in the lobby for "this week's hot tournament players" which will simply show the players who've earned the most points in the past week. At another point you might see rankings based on the total points earned for the entire year.
At the end of the year, we will hold a championship tournament for the point leaders for the year. The planning for this is completely still in the works but we will probably see something like the top 16 players for the year from each game will compete in a tournament for that game to determine this year's champion, and will be crowned with a special icon that will last until next year's event.
So in theory, it would work something like this:
Top 16 Spades Cut players based on accumulated points for the year compete in an event on 12/14.
Top 16 Spades players based on accumulated points for the year compete in an event on 12/15.
Top 16 Euchre players based on accumulated points for the year compete in an event on 12/16.
Top 16 Pinochle players based on accumulated points for the year compete in an event on 12/18.
Top 16 Hearts players based on accumulated points for the year compete in an event on 12/19.
16. What are Championship Points?
Championship Points (CPs) are a new addition at Mystic Island that allows players to accumulate points in tournament play. These points cannot be lost and are tied to your nickname, meaning you cannot transfer points earned to a new nickname under any circumstance.
17. What if I don't want Championship Points?
Don't worry, these points do not change a single thing in the way events are run. Winning events and earning these points do not force you to do anything.
18. Where can I find a listing of events and points to make sure they were assigned?
We have made available a page that lists all events opened in the past 21 days, their point values and the points that have been allocated in order to assist players and tournament directors. Events that have points yet to be assigned will be marked with the color red.
You can find this page at:
19. Why have these points? Wasn't everything already fine with the way tournaments were being run?
Of course it was! We're simply giving more rewards for playing in these tournaments, and creating a system much like the ladders where your progress is stored and you can see how you stand against others in tournament play.
Championship Points
20. Can a Sysop help me if I don't get my points after winning a tournament?
No. The Mystic Island staff cannot assist in this area. Please contact a tournament host from the club that you have a question with. Please do not submit help tickets to have point corrections made.
21. How do I know when my Community Supporter Pass will expire?
You can view the date that your community supporter pass ends by typing
To reach the list of different passholder plans, visit http://www.mysticisland.net/donations.
22. How do I report a problem?
Should you find yourself needing to report a problem there are various routes to take. Below is an outline of the best avenue to take for different problems.
Software Problems: Submit a help ticket from the Mystic Island site at http://www.mysticisland.net/ and click on the Support tab. Help tickets are viewed by all sysops and the sysop that feels best able to handle the problem will contact you. Software problems include but are not limited to: anything that prevents you from being able to log into the game park or to play games.
Router And Connectivity Problems: Same as above.
Reporting a quitter: Either contact a sysop that is online at the time or submit a help ticket.
Questions regarding the status of your account: Email accounts@mysticisland.net
Cases of Harassment: Email help@mysticisland.net Please, don't email us if someone is just a bit snitty with you. Instead, either avoid them in the future or put them on ignore.
Problem With A Sysop: Email help@mysticisland.net
Problem With A Tournament or Tournament Host: Email the group owner. To reach our event coordinators, contact events@mysticisland.net.
Anything Not Already Covered Here: Again, submit a help ticket and a sysop will get back to you.
23. How do I take a screenshot?
On the upper right of the keyboard is the print screen key. Press that.
Now go to Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Paint.
When the paint program comes up, go to edit, then click paste and the screen will be in the paint program. Save the file (preferably to jprg format) and you now have a picture of the screen.
24. How does Mystic Island combat cheaters?
We're not going to be foolish enough to pretend that cheaters do not exist online. They exist in all online games. They exist in real life. They are an unfortunate part of life. Does this mean that we just shrug our shoulders and ignore the problem? Of course not. We're also not going to don our night vision goggles and infrared cheater detector and go on a witch hunt.
Where the problem lies is in lack of proof. Do you realize how hard it is to actually prove someone is cheating? We're talking cold, hard facts. Not suspicions. Labeling someone a cheater because of a remarkable play is not proof. Therein lies the problem. It's very, very difficult to get actual proof of cheating. Oh, it has happened a couple of times and those players were shown the door out. We realize that requiring proof might be frustrating to some of you. However, it also protects the innocents out there as well. Far too often a player gets mad when losing a game and oh so blithely throws out that cheater word. We've said it before and we'll say it again; We have yet to see anyone accused of cheating fall to their knees, admit to it and beg for forgiveness. It just doesn't happen. So the best thing for you to do if you suspect someone is cheating (and if you have no real proof) is to simply jot his or her name down and avoid playing that person in the future. That's the best advice we can give until someone comes up with a foolproof method of detecting a cheater. Until such a day passes we will always ask people to keep their cheating accusations out of the lobby.
25. Sysops - The good, good and the good.
What Is A Sysop?
We have a number of volunteers at Mystic Island and we refer to them as Sysops. Sysops are there to help resolve any problems a player might have and to help keep some semblance of order to the various lobbies. We'd like to explain in a bit more detail exactly what sysops do and do not do and some common myths.
Sysops are recognizeable by the + sign and sailboat icons in front of their names. As stated above, sysops are volunteers at Mystic Island. They are also avid card game players just like everyone else. So they are usually doing double duty; playing cards while also answering numerous questions, keeping an eye on the lobbies, answering help tickets all while yanking their hair out in huge chunks. They try to be as attentive as possible to the goings on in the lobbies but they are also receiving numerous system messages during all of this so it's possible that your request for assistance might be missed. Just please be patient and contact the sysop again if that is the case.
How Does One Become A Sysop?
We hope we can adequately explain this without ruffling any feathers. Contrary to popular belief one does not become a sysop by "sucking up". We do not accept applications for the position. We prefer that people not ask directly if they can become a sysop. Why? Because that puts both you and us in an uncomfortable position. If we don't feel it would be a good fit then we have to tell you no. If we tell you no then you might sit there and wonder what it is we have against you and in 95% of the cases it's not a case of having anything against you at all. We might think you're witty, brilliant and a heck of a nice person but that doesn't necessarily mean that we think sysoping would be a good thing for you.
Frankly, one becomes a sysop by simply displaying the personality traits that we feel will mesh well with the current crew of sysops. It's extremely difficult to find a group of people online who can all get along beautifully as well as respect one another even when opinions clash. Fortunately we have a group of people just like that now and we do not want to upset the old apple cart. So if you're interested in becoming a sysop simply be yourself and if we think you'd fit in seamlessly with the current sysops then you'll hear from us.
Common Myths And Some Clarifications
Sysops get all the good cards: Not true. Just look at some of their rankings. lol Seriously though, their cards are just as good or bad as everyone else's. We have so many things we want to accomplish at this site that programming a site so that the random card shuffler knows to give sysops good cards would be absolutely ridiculous.
Sysops Shouldn't Play While On Duty: We've heard this one before. Remember, the sysops were all asked to do this thankless task. They were merrily going along with their gaming without any interference until we yanked them to a room asking them if they'd volunteer countless hours to running this site. We cannot imagine the caliber of sysops I'd get if they were told "Oh, and while you're dedicating all of these hours you cannot play cards. You have to just sit there in the lobby twirling your nose hair just waiting for someone to ask you a question".
Sysops Shouldn't Partner With One Another: Why not? That defies logic. They work very closely with one another and due to that form very close friendships with one another. We don't tell players who they can or cannot play with nor will we tell the sysops who they can or cannot play with.
26. How does Mystic Island handle quitters?
The Mystic Island sysops go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to quitters. As stated in the Terms Of Use section, we are a site that caters to mature gamers. Having said that, we expect players to complete their games. A fairly reasonable request wouldn't you say? By the same token, sometimes players do experience connectivity issues and whatnot and we ask for patience before publicly beheading the person and labeling them a quitter. Give them a good five minutes to return.
Should you quit a game due to a temper tantrum or poor sportsmanship then hopefully the players at your table will report that. To report a quitter simply find a sysop and tell him or her what happened. Should a sysop not be available at the time simply fill out a help ticket at http://www.mysticisland.net/support.asp
We won't go into detail about the exact steps we take on these reports primarily because if we did then people would try to push it to the limit. Suffice it to say that we do document each quit that is reported and we do make contact with the person who quit the game. If a player consistently quits games then that player very well may find himself unable to play ladder games at all.
We do realize that at times there are reasons why a player is unable to complete a game. There can be extenuating circumstances and we'll be more than happy to listen to you. If you find that you must leave please inform your table that you have to go and attempt to find a substitute first. However, if you bail out on a game and then join another one we'll be on you like white on rice. Likewise, if you quit in a huff then log in with another nickname we'll most likely find out so don't try to get tricky there. It's rude to leave a game and waste everyone's time trying to find a substitute.
27. How often are the ladders reset?
The non-lifetime ladders are reset every three months. We follow the following reset schedule:
January 1st
April 1st
July 1st
October 1st
In addition, we reset the trivia ladders at this time. In the future, we may begin resetting trivia on a monthly basis.
28. How do I add or remove a name from the friends list?
In order to use the friends list feature, you must be a pass holder. The command to add or remove a friend from the list is !friend
29. How do I get the messages to show in a box instead of lobby?
On the tool bar on the top of the Island click on preferences. Under the general tab unclick the box next to "Do not pop up private message windows."
When you click on a Community Supporter's name you can view their personal profile. Contained within this profile is a little information about the player, his or her ranking in that particular lobby and a personalized toon or avatar.
Players can add personalized information about themselves under the Preferences tab on the Mystic Island toolbar. We ask players to refrain from using their profiles in negative ways. Insulting another player, the site itself or other ugliness will result in a sysop asking you to change your profile. Keep it nice please.
31. What are toons? How can I get one?
All Community Supporter accounts have the ability to submit a personalized "toon" (or picture) to have displayed both in their profiles and at the game tables. Instructions for submitting a toon is provided at the toon submission page at www.mysticisland.net/toons
The first thing you need to do is to find a toon. It must be in jpeg format (that is a particular type of graphics file). Many of our players have set up toon sites for your convenience. It's also important that the toon/file be the right size. It must be 81x81 in size. If this is all Greek to you then you might want to ask around in the Island for assistance. There are many players who will be more than happy to assist you with that. You must also be sure that your filename is yourusername.jpg In other words, if your username on Mystic Island is marysunshine then the file you submit as your toon must be marysunshine.jpg
Please use some common sense when submitting a toon. This is a card game site, not Red Hot Mama's Brothel. If you submit a toon that is just a bit too much (or too little if you get my drift) then it will be removed from the server and you'll become grizzly Shadow Man until you submit another one that fits within our guidelines. It takes a couple of hours for your toon to actually appear in site so be patient.
Your toon is submitted and now you want to show it off. Your toon will automatically appear on your profile. To make it also appear at your game table you must first open a table then go to File then choose Preferences and go to the Toons tab. Make sure both boxes in that window are checked. You'll be good to go from there!
32. What commands are available to use at Mystic Island?
Many players don't realize that they have some manual commands that they can type in to do various things.
!afk - Will flag you as away from keyboard. Anyone who sends you a private message when this is activated will be told that you are away.
!view - This toggles spectator viewing off and on. Meaning, if you want "watchers" at your table to be able to view the cards in hand then the host would toggle this off and on with the !view command. Viewing is always on by default.
!egg - This turns your chat area at the table transparent.
!options - If you type this at a game table it will then display the game options for that particular game in play.
F3 - This changes the way the listing of tables is displayed. You can view the table listings in standard or mini view.
F4 - This toggles between your game table and the lobby without having to use your mouse.
!gowordhere - The tournament directors often times enter a "go word". This allows you to type in a simple command to move you directly to their tournament room. You will see this go word (if one is set) in their system-wide tournament announcements. So if a host sets the goword as "havefun" you would type !havefun
Chatting From The Table To The Lobby - You can send a public message from your game table by preceeding your chat with a / For example you would type /Hello lobby folks and that would appear in the public lobby. Note that there is NO space between the slash and your sentence. This simply saves you the trouble of switching over to the lobby then back to your game.
Up Arrow - If you click on the little up arrow on your keyboard that will cycle through the last few people that sent you a private message and will automatically fill in the /msg username portion for you.
The following commands are available to Community Supporters only:
!cc - This initiates talk in Community Chat. You would type !cc hello everyone to speak in this channel.
!nocc - This toggles Community Chat off and on.
!icon - Type this to toggle on and off the ability to show trophies and medals. If you won a medal or trophy and cannot see it then you need to use this command so that it will appear.
!myicon # - Available to Platinum passholders only. This allows you to choose a custom icon to display next to your name. The list of available icons can be found at http://www.mysticisland.net/icons.txt Find the number that corresponds to the icon you want and use that number in place of the # sign indicated. For example, if I wanted to use the Bart Simpson icon I would type !myicon 4 You'll receive a little private message if you have done it correctly. If you wish to return to the default icon of a platinum, gold or silver pass simply type !myicon 0 (that's a zero). As an added note, these icons were intended to only be available from October through December but we've decided to just keep this option in all the time.
!friend username - (Available to Platinum and Gold passholders only) This allows you to add and remove players to your Friends List.
F6 - (Available to Platinum and Gold passholders only) This displays your Friends List.
!help - (Available to Platinum passholders only) Typing this will send out a message to all sysops online that you are requesting assistance. Please only use this command in earnest and not for grins and giggles.
33. I paid via Paypal for a pass, but why do I not have my pass yet? It said instant activation!
There are two types of payments through Paypal, Instant and eCheck, let me quote a blurb from PayPal regarding eChecks:
You may make a PayPal payment using funds from your bank account, simply by entering the information from the bottom of a cheque and completing PayPal's easy Confirm Your Bank Account process. Funds will be directly transferred from your bank account (chequing or savings). With an Instant Transfer, the money is instantly credited to the recipient's PayPal account. To use Instant Transfer, PayPal requires that you have a back up funding source registered, such as a credit card. If you do not have a back up funding source registered with PayPal, you can use an eCheck. With an eCheck, and the seller will be notified once the transfer clears (within 5-7 business days).
When your Paypal account is not configured to use the instant-payment method, it reverts to an eCheck. Paypal does not send a -payment complete- signal to our server until this eCheck payment clears. This is a very misunderstood process and one that users think we're dragging our feet on, which isn't the case.
Once your eCheck clears, which typically is faster than the 5-7 business days PayPal states, they then notify the Mystic server for account activation. Until that time, the payment is in a "pending" state and there is absolutely nothing that we can do until that happens.
Please be sure to check the payment type if you've paid via Paypal and have not received your pass. We have had literally hundreds of people who have contacted us about this.
34. When will the next game be finished?
If we knew, the players would be the first to know. Unfortunately, it takes only the smallest glitch to delay progress, and we prefer to not build false hope for a game title only to have it delayed for many months. We are currently working on Poker, and once testing begins, announcements will be made on the community page.
35. What is the tournament arena?
Tournaments are a vital part of Mystic Island. We have numerous tournaments each day. The tournament groups that host at Mystic Island have all been with us for a long time and their professionalism and hard work show! You can view the current list of daily tournaments at http://www.mysticisland.net/tourneys.asp. The tournament schedule is updated daily.
We try not to schedule too many tournaments at the same time. We find that the players generally like a bigger turnout rather than only having a few players participating in numerous events. As we grow we will closely monitor the tournaments and will add more as needed.
While the Mystic Island Terms Of Use apply to all areas of the park keep in mind that each tournament group has their own additional rules. Please abide by their rules and have fun!
36. Who are the tournament directors?
We have many volunteer tournament directors at Mystic Island. The tournament directors (also called hosts)can be found in the various tournament rooms in the Arena. They have + signs and little card icons next to their names. Should you have any tournament related questions please don't hesitate to ask them for assistance.
The tournament directors work very hard to provide enjoyable tournaments for everyone. Please extend to them the same courtesy that you in turn expect. When a tournament is just beginning they are scrambling about trying to make sure that everyone is at a table with the right options set and that everyone understands that particular tournament's format. If you ask them a question and it goes unanswered give them a moment and ask again. It's very easy to miss a question when the lobby chat is scrolling by at lightning speed. You can also help keep things running smoothly by showing up on time for the tournament. If you come into a tournament 12 seconds before start time they will do their best to make sure you get a seat but it does cause some chaos and confusion.
If you have a problem with a tournament director please contact the owner of that group.
If you'd like information on joining one of our tournament groups please contact that group's owner.
Page last updated:3/6/2025 5:35:08 PM